Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – a Tease?

Happy Thursday, comic aficionados and super hero fans – a new trailer for the upcoming film Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice has hit the net! Well, that’s what we really wanted to write. But this short clip is not even the trailer – it’s a Teaser for the trailer to come. Yeah, just when you thought the marketing folks at big studios couldn’t draw out an upcoming film any longer, they’ve found a way to extend the “talk time” even more. We’ve got a teaser for a trailer, so we’ll share it in all it’s 20 seconds of glory, and just leave that on the plate for you to stare blankly at. Like a fancy California-style large dish dinner entree,  served on a 2 foot white plate, but holding a few snips of garnish and a drip of sauce around a roasted pumpkin seed. um, yum?


Category: Cinema
About The Author
- Jeff Askew is part of the Freshtone founding team and brings decades of creative technology experience to the mission. A veteran of early digital agencies, Jeff started working for NASA's software center in the early 90's while spending his nights playing Athens clubs with his alt-rock band. For his diversions at home, Jeff spends time pushing guitar and Minecraft on his kids and keeping up with science news and economics.